Since Thanksgiving, 2005...

Since the beginning, Teaposy has been working directly with tea farms and factories. Our blooming teas are made with high grade of rare silver needle white tea leaves. Over 80% of the tea leaves are select spring harvest. They are scented with only natural jasmine flowers. No other flavoring is used. We submit the raw materials harvested and final finished products to reputable labs for testing and inspection to ensure our products meet world class standards.

Peace, Love and Tea!

Three Japanese youth enjoying spring in a flower garden
“Because I want to wear my favorite coat, having a date and falling in love would be pretty good.” – Natsume Soseki

April 05, 2020

I have been wondering recently what activities to do in the spring when the pandemic is finally over. I thought about the Japanese writer Natsume Soseki. In his “Prescription on Earth” he suggested:

“Because I want to wear my favorite coat, having a date and falling in love would be a pretty good thing.”

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Sun shines on snow
Perhaps the snowflakes will scatter into the sky and let the sunshine in

March 29, 2020

My friend Jane recently published a blog post journaling her experiences and thoughts during the month and a half long period following the coronavirus outbreak in China.

As I was reading it, I felt an urge to translate it for my friends in America.  I believe this article can bring a refreshing perspective to us who live in America through Jane’s dialogue with herself as she travels from Shanghai to Berlin.

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